Abraham Bisschop and the Birds of Paradise

All Hail the King Bird of Paradise

Bronwen Scott


Ceiling piece with birds (1708) by Abraham Bisschop — Dordrechts Museum, Public Domain. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ceiling_piece_with_birds,_by_Abraham_Busschop.jpg

One of the delights of writing on Medium is the opportunity to ramble down unmarked paths. And ramble I do. While writing my piece about Frans Snyder and the Fire Salamander, I was intrigued by Snyders’ inclusion of a Greater Bird-of-paradise (Paradisaea apoda) in several paintings. Many artists before Snyders had also painted these…



Bronwen Scott

Zoologist, writer, artist, museum fan, enjoying life in the tropical rainforest of Far North Queensland. She/her. Website: bronwenscott.com